Thursday, March 6, 2014

3/6/2014 Interior stonework complete


Stonework finished, cleanup done, and once again we are able to use our fireplace.  Since for all appearances this Winter is going to last until early July, that's a good thing. 
This proved to be the hardest project we've had to work on together, and have sworn that going forward, all future stone work will be done by a professional.  Now we can get back to finishing details like the master shower, staining trim, casings, and doors, and finishing the details on the stairway leading to the basement so the carpet installers can return to finish that last little bit.  We need to accelerate these items because when the weather does finally break, we are not going to want to stay inside working.  There are a number of exterior details that are waiting for decent temperatures before we can tackle them.  Stucco on the exposed basement foundation, staining all that deck, and installing the escape window well in the lower level bedroom.  No, I don't think we will ever be completely done with the house.  At least it seems that way some days.

Finally, we're able to have a fire again after finishing all the stonework.                       

17 turkeys in the road a couple hundred yards below our driveway this morning.