Monday, March 16, 2015

3/16/2015 Floor Plans

Thanks to the good folks at Deltec, we got copies of our original floor plan blue prints.  Since we have had some questions about how our house is laid out, we thought we would post these pics and show how we decided to design our dream house.

We started with a plan for the Monterey, but we were having difficulty agreeing on how we wanted to lay it out.  After spending some time with our Deltec designer, and Debra and I not being able to agree on the layout, we took a break.  I wandered over to one of the display tables that had brochures and pictures of the different floor plans.  There front and center was a brand new model called the Shenandoah.  One look and we both went "that's it!"  With a little tweaking to adjust things to our tastes, we arrived at what you see here.  Different from above is a small deck in place of the back patio shown, and the arrow pointing north is hiding a small section of wall and the doors to the master bedroom and walk-in closet are not showing in this print.
This is close to how our basement is laid out.  When framing was started we discovered the utility room was not going to be big enough to hold everything (heat pump, in-floor heat holding tank and manifold, water heater, pressure tank, and electrical panels), so it was expanded, along with the bathroom to even out the walls.

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