Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Happy in our home.

We've received a lot of attention recently in regards to our home.  We are proud of our efforts and humbled by the wonderful positive comments we have received.  There are a number of painful lessons we have learned along the way, and I will talk to those in detail when I wrap up this blog at a later date.  In the mean time here are a couple of pictures to celebrate some down time while we wait for stain to dry on the woodwork that's staged in the basement.  Thank you to the fine folks at Deltec who have supported and encouraged us along the way.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

2/12/2015 Enjoying Our Energy Efficiency

It is currently zero degrees Fahrenheit outside, but with the sun shining in our south facing windows, the house is 74 degrees inside.  To put that in perspective, that's a 74 degree difference between inside and outside with no assistance from our Geothermal heat pump.  Gotta love those ten inch super insulated walls in our Deltec.

The view isn't the only thing we appreciate coming in through all those windows.
By the time I thought to take this picture, the outside temperature had risen slightly to +4 degrees. We didn't realize at the time, but the outdoor temp/humidity module was failing, so no humidity reading available.  I've since replaced it under warranty and all is working again.